Rotary Club of Morrison
About Our Club

President's Welcome Message:
Welcome to Morrison Rotary's home on the web. I have been a member of 3 Rotary clubs but this is my first role as President. I love our group and I am excited about our leadership team we have assembled to support me in my role this year. We are going to have an amazing year. We already have 1 new member starting on our first meeting of the new year. That is really neat.
Take a few minutes to look around and see what our club is doing on a local, national and international level. We love to serve, so if you have a project or idea that could use some help, please contact our project manager Mick Welding at 815-772-5510 or If you're interested in learning more, or joining Rotary please contact Mark Schuler or Mick Welding or any member of the Morrison Rotary Club.
Thank you again.
Mick Welding