Morrison Rotary learns about B.L.I.N.D. program
Our Rotarians were treated to a presentation outlining the Building Lasting Impressions that Never Die (B.L.I.N.D) program. Our presenters were Melissa Landes, Student Council Leader and Jennifer Stevenson, Librarian at Morrison High School. What started in Sterling and Newman schools has now blossomed into 4 additional schools including Fulton, Morrison, Prophetstown and Rock Falls. Juniors and seniors in each of these schools apply to be leaders. Once the leaders are chosen a 2 day training in August prepares these kids leadership, team-building, community service skills and training to help freshmen transition into high school. IN September a retreat is held at Westwood with kids from every school. Last year just short of 500 kids participated! The kids learned team-building skills while building spaghetti towers and playing blind dodge ball. They also learn and practice the 40 developmental assets for teens. Each year the students write valentine cards for Nursing Home residents and they also send cards to military veterans on Veterans Day. We are so fortunate in Morrison that 14 students served as leaders last year to help freshman students acclimate to high school and find projects that make our community a better place!
Rotarian Dr. Brad Yaklich wanted each student to know that local Rotary clubs are looking for talented students to participate in college Rotary programs such as Rotaract.
Thank you ladies again for educating us on such a wonderful program.