Mr. Antony Deter's 6th Grade class was studying about Japan when the Disaster happened last fall.  He wanted to find a way for his class to participate in the relief efforts.  He found out about Shelter Box and it has been their goal to raise $1000.  Last week the students were told that they had raised $1,250.00  Brian Adams from Rotary Shelter Box came to their school and showed them the box and contents.   Morrison Rotary then challenged the students to raise another $250 in less than a week before school was out and Rotary would donate another $500 toward  2 Shelter Boxes.  On Wed, May 25, the 6th grade students reached their goal !

Please let the 6th grade students and teachers know how proud we are of their efforts and thank them.  Rotary President Barb Bees and Vice President Kathy Schmidt presented a check to Mr. Dieter and his class on Friday May 27th before the students left for the summer.


Shelter Box 6th grade class